Monday, February 10, 2020


Valentine's Day
We will celebrate with our party this Thursday (as there is no school for students on Friday).  Our party will be after lunch from 1:45-2:45.  Students are encouraged to bring in Valentines to their classmates.  I have sent a list home with them today.  We will also be having an optional box decorating contest.  Students are not at all required to bring in a fancy box, but those who choose to, can enter our contest.  If your kiddo doesn't want to decorate a box, please at least have them bring in something to hold their Valentines

Wish Week
Here is a message from student council:
Spirit Week will begin Tuesday February 18th.  Students are encouraged to bring change or a few dollars each day.  The class to collect the most money during Wish Week will earn a pizza party, so have fun and get competitive!  
Tuesday: Crazy Sock Day
Wednesday: Hat Day
Thursday: Skittles Day 
K - Red
1st - Orange
2nd - Yellow
3rd - Green
4th - Blue
5th - Purple
Friday: Wish Week Shirts

Field Trip
We are all set to head to the Museum of Nature and Science on March 6th.  Students will connect with their science learning of the body systems and participate in the Lung Lab where they will get to dissect a lamb's lung.  This is a great experience that kids seem to love year after year.  Please sign up here on MySchool Bucks.  Also, I am looking for 5 parent chaperones to accompany us!!  Please let me know if you are interested by this Thursday.  If I get more volunteers than the 5 we need, I will randomly pull names out of a hat.

Spring Conferences are coming up on March 4th and 12th.  The school sign up will come out later this week, but I have included a sign up here for additional times if they may work better for you.  

P​TO Reminders
PTO is still collecting Box Tops!  If you have some please send them in.
February 11th is Papa John's fundraising night.
Please make sure to sign up your King Sooper's card with Gold Rush Elementary school.  A flier went home last week with a link.

New Tabs

Above you will see two new "pages" on my website: Daily Digital Assignments and Digital Learning Resources.  Here is where you can...